This Post Went Viral, But Not Why You Think

viral post

 Bikini Photo Goes Viral


  It’s not everyday that a post goes viral for a good reason. But this post is different.To date it has been liked over 131,000 times and shared more than 19,000 times. It’s about someone not afraid to put themselves out there and being comfortable in her own skin. We should all be so brave and not care what others think of us. And by the way, she looks great!


This is my body.

This not a before picture.
This is not an after picture.

This just happens to be what my body looks…

Posted by Molly Galbraith on Friday, January 1, 2016



This is what she said…

“This is my body.

This not a before picture.
This is not an after picture.
This just happens to be what my body looks like on a random Tuesday in December of 2015 — it’s a LIFE picture.
This is a body that loves protein and vegetables and queso and ice cream.
This is a body that loves bent presses and pull-ups and deadlifts and sleep.
This is a body that has been abused with fast food and late nights and stress.
This is a body that has been pushed to the brink of leanness in figure competitions and maximum strength in powerlifting meets.
This is a body that begged for mercy when it was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and PCOS.
This is a body that has been called:
– too fat
– too thin
– too masculine
– too strong
– too weak
– too big
– too skinny
…all within the same week.
This body has been publicly evaluated, judged, and criticized, and those judgments have been used to determine my level of skill as a coach and a trainer, and my worth as a person, both positively and negatively.
Some people say they would “kill to have this body.”
Others say they would “kill themselves if they had this body.”
(Yes, unfortunately that’s actually a thing humans say to one another.)
This is a body that I spent too much time, energy, and mental space wishing would look differently.
And today?
Today this is a body that is loved, adored, and cherished by the only person whose opinion matters — ME.
This is the first year in as long as I can remember that I have made NO resolutions to change the way my body looks.
This is a kind of freedom I didn’t think I’d ever experience, and it feels really, really good.”


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Well said!


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