Why you Should be Using a Foam Roller
Foam rolling, also known as myofascial release, is the application of pressure to eliminate scar-tissue and soft-tissue...
Cut Down Sugar and Calories With This Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte Hack
It's that time of year again and pumpkin flavored anything is everywhere! Lucky for...
Thinking about adding #weight training to you routine? There are countless benefits to picking up the weights. Maybe these ones below will convince you...
Not so fast dynamic warm-up with a little twist
A dynamic warm-up is so effective, you can use this specific full body routine before you exercise, play...
Triceps Exercises
Don't you hate it when you go to the gym and you see "that" woman walking around with THE most perfect arms. She must spend 5 hours a day at the gym! You know who I...
Low Fat Breakfast Recipes
Looking for a few quick and easy healthy breakfast ideas? Here are 3 from health and fitness specialist Brenda Leigh Turner. Jammed...
Why you Should Consider Crossfit
CrossFit is based around improving your respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. All...
Healthiest Foods
Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring or tasteless. Case in point, these 15 foods. With health benefits like protein, fiber, calcium,...
Calf Muscle Exercises
Strengthen your calf muscles with these dedicated exercise and carve out powerful legs. This muscle group is often neglected, but so important,...
Eat These Vegetables For Your Muscles And Strength
Have you ever wondered if you really should eat vegetables to feed your muscles? Not only should you...
Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Any fitness junkie or athlete who pushes their body week after week with PRs, training, long runs, or prolonged workouts has inflammation in some way....
Calf Muscle Exercises
Strengthen your calf muscles with these dedicated exercise and carve out powerful legs. This muscle group is often neglected, but so important,...
Put Your Money Down and Read This First
By now, you have probably heard of detoxification. You have probably seen advertisements for pills and juicers. But...
Calf Muscle Exercises
Strengthen your calf muscles with these dedicated exercise and carve out powerful legs. This muscle group is often neglected, but so important,...
Seaweed That Tastes Like Bacon
If these researchers are right, they may have invented the next big thing! Who doesn't love bacon,(besides your arteries) and...